REVERBERI s.r.l. - Tel. 0039 (0) 522 875159 - Fax 0039 (0) 522 875579 - e-mail
REVERBERI s.r.l. - Tel. 0039 (0) 522 875159 - Fax 0039 (0) 522 875579 - e-mail



Via Don Luigi Sturzo, 6
42021 Barco di Bibbiano (RE) - Italia

Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA: IT 01363800358

Numero REA: 180051 C.C.I.A.A. di Reggio Emilia
Iscr. Reg. Imprese di RE: 01363800358
Capitale Sociale: Euro 10.400 i.v.

From Monday to Friday

morning 8:00 to 12:00 - Afternoon: 14:00 to 17:30

If you want to contact us for any need you can do this:
Telephone: 0522 875159
Fax: 0522 875579

or by filling out the form here beside, we will respond as soon as possible:






    Personal data will be used by Reverberi S.r.l. in accordance with the principles of privacy protection established by Legislative Decree No 196, June 30, 2003 and other rules in force. This information concerns the personal data sent when the request for information or quotes, as well as those derived from visits and navigation on our site. Reverberi S.r.l. submit your personal data to all processing operations identified by D. Legislative Decree 196/2003 - that is, the collection, recording, organization, storage, processing, editing, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection and any other operation useful for the provision of services requested primarily by computerised. Such data could also be organized in databases or files. In particular, finaliĆ  of personal data processing are as follows: a) Provide information and / or send notices of the service b) provide any accounting and tax c) traced back to authors of any illegal only in case of specific requests and on behalf of the competent authorities. If you have given appropriate consent d) Reverberi S.r.l. undertakes not to cede ever data about their customers to third parties e) to verify the quality of services offered, also offering after-sales services f) to send communications and advertising information relating to products and initiatives; Customer can access to their data at any time and exercise their rights under Art. 7 D. Legislative Decree 196/2003. Personal data are divided into two categories: compulsory and optional, as indicated in the procedure of information request. The conferment of data required and its treatment for the purposes stated above are strictly functional performance of the services listed. Any refusal of providing such data or any refusal to allow their treatment will make it impossible to use the service offered by Reverberi S.r.l.. The other data collected are used to help Reverberi S.r.l. to offer a service better. Compared to them, the customer is free to supply them or not. Reverberi S.r.l. inform that under Article. 7 D. Legislative Decree 196/2003, users are entitled to: a) know the existence of processing of data that concern them, b) be informed of the identification of the owner and controller; c) to obtain by the proprietor of treatment: confirmation the existence of personal data and presentation of them and their origins, and the logic and purpose of treatment d) the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or block of data processed in violation of law; e) l ' updating, correcting and integration of data f) confirmation that the transactions referred to above were brought to the attention of those to whom the data were reported and / or disseminated g) object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons; h) amend their consent, then opposing, in whole or in part, processing for purposes of commercial information or for carrying out market research or commercial communications and the like.Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy